Face Coverings in England- A Complete Guide


Understanding the face covering rules in England are vital for keeping yourself and others safe and allowing you to enter shops and takeaways in the correct manor. However, despite this advice being rolled out nationwide and the mandatory nature of it, many are still confused by it. This guide from the National Takeaway Association will take you through the rules and will tell you everything you need to know about the specifics of how Takeaways will function and the kind of precautions you will need to take.

What is the Rule?

The rule is that from the 24 June, face coverings must be worn in enclosed public spaces in England. Included in this definition are shops, supermarkets and takeaways. Any customer that wishes to enter the shop must do so while wearing a mask and must keep that mask on until they have left the shop- if you do not adhere to these rules then the shop does have the right to simply reject your entering, unless they have an exemption card.

If you do not wear a mask, then you could be subjected to a fine of up to £100- a fine that will be reduced to £50 if payed within 14 days. The rules will be enforced by police, not shop workers, and only “as a last resort”. The shop workers themselves will not need to wear a mask.

What About Takeaways?

When looking at takeaways, the rules differ somewhat. You will need to wear a face covering when you walk into the shop and when you are in the shop- if you do not follow these rules and cannot provide a valid exemption card then you can be refused entry.

Some takeaways will have seating inside and will allow you to sit inside and eat your newly bought takeaway. However, some shops that have such seating may have closed it off and will not allow you to eat inside. For those that do allow you to eat inside, you can take your mask off to eat and you must socially distance yourself from others while in the shop.

What Kind of a Face Covering Will I Need?

We have now covered the face covering law in England and the specific law inside of takeaways. However, what kind of face covering is best and what type will be accepted in the applicable shops.

Shops will accept a range of different types of face covering…

  1. The first type is a medical mask. These are the best types of mask to have and are the best ones to protect you and those around you.
  2. You can also make ones at home that will be accepted as well. Just as long as they follow the same specifications as a medical mask.
  3. Scarves and other fabrics pulled over the nose and mouth are common, however, some stricter shops will not allow this because they do not follow the same specifications as medical masks.